Wayne Sheffield

My blog about SQL Server

Welcome to Day 1 of my “A Month of PowerShell” series. PowerShell is one of those things that I know I need to learn more about in this profession. Recently, I was reading a SQLSkills Insider email where Paul Randal mentioned that he wants to learn PowerShell also – but he likes to learn in […]

I ran into an interesting problem recently. There is a 4TB database that is log shipped to a DR site, and some new data files needed to be added to the database. Mistake #1: The drive volumes on the DR server are not configured the same as the primary site. Mistake #2: This mismatch was […]

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Jason Brimhall. Being as this is January, lots of people are making New Year’s resolutions. Well, Jason doesn’t want to hear about that… but he does want to know how you have stood firm by a story that utilizes “resolve”, “resolute” or “resolution”. Last year, in my quest […]

I’ve been digging deeper into the Ghost Cleanup process recently, and quite naturally my quest lead to Paul Randal’s blog. He has a post about the Ghost Cleanup process in depth, and in this post is this line: The ghost cleanup task will leave a single record on the page to avoid having to deallocate […]

  Here we are at TSQL Tuesday #37 – the start of the fourth year. Sebastian Meine (@sqlity / blog) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blogging party, and he wants us to “write about topics like the good and the bad patterns of joining you have seen out there”. (Sebastian is also running a […]

Chris Yates (@YatesSQL / blog) is hosting the T-SQL Tuesday blogging party this month, and he wants to know “What does the SQL Community mean to you?”. SQL Community To me, the SQL Community is folks helping other folks. Being supportive. Giving advice. Mentoring. Teaching others to fish from the SQL Pond. From what I’ve […]

The Myth One misconception that I see a lot deals with how data is stored in a clustered index. Specifically – is the data in a clustered index stored on the page in physical order? Most people will say “Yes”, and they get this from the definition (see BOL: Clustered and Nonclustered Indexes Described), which […]

The Scenario: You just restored a production database on a development server. You’ve told the developers that it’s restored, and you start to relax in your chair. 30 milli-seconds later, your phone is ringing… the developers can’t connect to the database that you just restored. You check the server, and the login exists. You check […]

Hello? Mr. DBA? Have you got a moment? So there you are, enjoying one of the few quiet moments of your day, sleeping working hard at your desk, when you get interrupted by a user with some really bad performance on a server. You investigate by running sp_who or sp_who2 to see the current activity, […]

Late last year, my life got strange. Well, it’s always been strange, so let’s just say it became stranger than normal. I started working on a project with a few folks, and that scarce commodity known as time became even more scarce to me. Things that I’ve been trying to do (get more involved on […]