Wayne Sheffield

My blog about SQL Server

Well, here it is again. The second Tuesday of the month, which means that it’s T-SQL Tuesday. This month, Dev Nambi (blog | twitter) is hosting the party, and he has decided that the topic is to be on Assumptions. Specifically, he wants us to write about: A big assumption you encounter at work, one […]

You’re utilizing the database mirroring high-availability feature, configured to be in the High Safety mode with automatic failover, which means that the mirroring configuration includes having a witness server to ensure that the system can automatically switch over to the partner in the event of a failure of the principal. Under this scenario, if the […]

After installing SSAS, using the tabular model, you receive the error “The service cannot be started: The following system error occurred:  A required privilege is not held by the client.” when trying to start the service. Examining //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175371.aspx shows that the only security privilege needed for the SSAS service account is the “Log on as […]

Wow, what a month. On March 22, 2014, the SQL Saturday train came into Richmond VA (RVA). I was one of the organizers of the event, and what a ride we had. The rough part of the ride started off earlier in the week. A freak spring snowstorm rolled through the region. Richmond was spared, […]

There’s a new SQL Server user group starting up over in Lynchburg, VA. It’s first meeting is February 27, 2014 (6pm-8pm), and I’m honored to be presenting there for their kickoff meeting. I’ll be presenting “Table Vars & Temp Tables – What you NEED to Know!” Visit //lynchburg.sqlpass.org/ for more info (abstract, directions) and to […]

On the second Tuesday of each month, the SQL Server universe all comes together to blog about a topic. Known as T-SQL Tuesday and started by Adam Machanic (Blog | @AdamMachanic), this month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic is hosted by friend and fellow MCM Jason Brimhall (@sqlrnnr) and he wants us to blog about bets. Specifically, […]

I’ve been using SQL Prompt for years. In September 2013, version 6 was released (quickly followed by 6.1 in late September and 6.2 in December ), so I thought I would highlight some of the new features available in it. So lets start off with a table to show the new features and what version […]

I was recently investigating an issue that stemmed from a database being in the recovery_pending state. A quick investigation through the SQL logs showed that the server had restarted earlier that morning, and that this instance is running on a cluster. Assuming that this is probably just a timing issue, I decided to try to […]

I was recently just letting my mind wander. As it’s prone to do, all sorts of things just entered into it. Things like: It’s a wonderful time of the year. Lot’s of places I’m going to with #sqllearning potential. There’s a lot of resolutions I need to work on. Considering how well I did with […]

Previously, I posted a list of interview questions that I ask job candidates. This post is about the questions that I ask when I am the candidate. (Remember that interviews are two way – you are interviewing the company to see if you want to work for them just as much as they are interviewing […]