Wayne Sheffield

My blog about SQL Server

SQLSaturday SpeedPASSes I’ve been working with running SQLSaturdays in the Richmond, VA area for several years now. It seems that every year, I end up blogging something new. Frequently, this ends up being a script of some kind to help me out. This post follows this theme by introducing a script for working with SQLSaturday […]

While you may not need to worry about the physical location of a row very often, every so often the need comes up. In a few of my earlier posts (here), I have needed this information to prove a point. This post shows how to identify a row’s physical location. It will also show the […]

In several of my last few blog posts, I’ve shared several methods of getting internal information from a database by using the DBCC PAGE command and utilizing the “WITH TABLERESULTS” option to be allowed to automate this process for further processing. This post will also do this, but in this case, we’ll be using it […]

Today is yet another T-SQL Tuesday – the monthly blogging party started by Adam Machanic (b|t) to get everyone in the SQL Server blogosphere together and to blog about a topic. Today’s party is hosted by none other than Matt Gordon (b|t), and the topic that he has chosen for us to blog about is […]

In a prior blog post, I demonstrated how using DBCC PAGE can be automated by using the “WITH TABLERESULTS” option. In this post, we will continue with another look at how this can be done. On a nice wintry day, your city ended up being covered in several feet of snow. During the course of […]

On the second Tuesday of each month, the SQL Server universe all comes together to blog about a topic. Known as T-SQL Tuesday and started by Adam Machanic (Blog | @AdamMachanic), this month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic is hosted by friend and fellow MCM Brent Ozar. The theme that Brent has chosen for this month is […]

How SQL Server uses Windows Virtual Accounts and local groups Managed Service Accounts (MSAs) and Virtual Accounts were introduced in Windows 7 / Windows 2008R2 (link). Installations of SQL Server 2012 and newer will utilize the Virtual Accounts. SQL Server 2008 / 2008R2 installations use a combination of the local groups and Virtual Accounts, and […]

Way back in 2006, Paul Randal documented DBCC PAGE on his Microsoft blog at //blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlserverstorageengine/archive/2006/06/10/625659.aspx. In his post, you will notice that in order to return the output from DBCC PAGE to the screen, you need to enable trace flag 3604 first. The above blog post shows a few examples of the results and utilizing […]

It’s that time of the month… the time when all of the T-SQL bloggers have a party and blog about a specific topic. Unfortunately, it’s been a few months since I’ve written a T-SQL Tuesday post. I’m hopeful that I can use this post to get back in the groove and participate in this monthly […]

Most of the DBCC commands return their results as textual output, even if you have SSMS configured to return result sets to a grid. This makes examining the output a manual process that is prone to errors. It sure would be nice if there was a way to return the output to a grid. If […]