T-SQL Tuesday Party History
In case you’ve been hiding out in the desert, oblivious to all that goes on, there is a monthly force that comes out for a party on (normally) the second Tuesday of each month. It was started by Adam Machanic (blog|twitter), and is hosted by a different person from the SQL community each month.
Your Party Invitation
This month, for the first time, I’m hosting the T-SQL Tuesday Party, and you are all invited. I struggled to come up with a suitable topic (for all of 2 seconds), and decided to tie it in with the blog series on PowerShell that I’m currently blogging on. So I’m asking you to blog about using PowerShell for doing, well, anything as long as it is related to SQL Server or the computer that SQL Server runs on. Scripts are encouraged, but not required. I’ll follow up with a recap of the posts about a week later.
The Party Guidelines
There are a few rules with this little blogging party:
- Your blog post must go live between 00:00:00 GMT Tuesday, February 12, 2013 and 00:00:00 GMT on Wednesday, February 13, 2013.
- Your post has to link back to the hosting blog, and the link must be anchored from the logo (above) which must also appear at the top of the post.
- Leave a comment on this post with a link to your post (or I won’t be able to find your post). (Trackbacks (a link to this post) should work, but check back here just in case.)
Won’t you be nice?
- Help spread the word! by including “T-SQL Tuesday” in the title of your post.
- Tweet! your blog post with the hashtag #TSQL2sday – again to spread the word.
- Host! If you’ve participated in two T-SQL Tuesdays, and you blog at least once a month, then you are the type of blogger that Adam is looking for to be a host – just contact him to volunteer.
Thanks Wayne. Mine’s at //sqlblog.com/blogs/rob_farley/archive/2013/02/12/behind-the-scenes-of-powershell-and-sql.aspx
Here’s mine: //therestisjustcode.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/t-sql-tuesday-39-heres-what-my-posh-is-cooking/
Thanks for hosting, Wayne. My post can be found at //sqlsalt.com/t-sql-tuesday-39-get-role-members-with-powershell/
Thanks for a great topic, Wayne! My post is about using Powershell and the clipboard to easily sort lists (for lists of servers, etc), and can be found at //www.jimmcleod.net/blog/index.php/2013/02/12/t-sql-tuesday-39-powershell-sorts/
Thanks for hosting the party and for helping to promote Powershell in the SQL Server world! My post is here: //www.patrickkeisler.com/2013/02/t-sql-tuesday-use-powershell-to-restore.html
Thanks again for this topic: I enjoyed it!
Wayne, I hope you appreciate the subtext in mine: //www.dataogre.com/2013/02/12/powershell-just-bring-it-tsql2sday/
Thanks for hosting Wayne. My post can be found here: //alandykes.com/2013/02/12/t-sql-tuesday-39-powershell-how-do-i-use-it/
My post is here: //www.mikefal.net/2013/02/12/t-sql-tuesday-39-a-posh-post-tsql2sday/
Really enjoying the Month of PowerShell. Here is my post – //sqlmd.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/powershell-basic-sql-backup-t-sql-tuesday-39/
Thanks for Hosting! Here is my post //www.ingenioussql.com/2013/02/12/t-sql-tuesday-39-can-you-shell-what-the-posh-is-cooking/
Hi Wayne! Here’s my contribution: //sqlblog.com/blogs/allen_white/archive/2013/02/12/t-sql-tuesday-39-managing-your-sql-server-services-with-powershell.aspx
Thank you, for hosting the TSQL-tuesday#39. My post can be found at //sqlchow.wordpress.com/2013/02/13/t-sql-tuesday-39-getting-installed-instances-querying-logs/
Thank you for hosting this month! My (very small) post can be found at: //devjef.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/t-sql-tuesday-39-can-you-shell-what-the-posh-is-cooking/
Thanks Wayne! Here’s mine! //www.the-fays.net/blog/?p=274
Thanks for hosting Wayne. Here is my post //amihalj.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/t-sql-tuesday-39-set-file-permission-with-powershell/
I thought I’d share my script, I blogged “T-SQL Tuesday – PoSH Text Web Browser” //extofer.com/blog/posh-text-web-browser
Here’s mine: //www.kendalvandyke.com/2013/02/t-sql-tuesday-39-use-powershell-to-copy.html?m=0
Thanks Wayne. My post : //sqlblogcasts.com/blogs/sqlandthelike/archive/2013/02/12/deploying-ssrs-artefacts-using-powershell-simply.aspx
Hey Wayne – looks like my trackback failed, here’s mine //www.jasonstrate.com/2013/02/t-sql-tuesday-powershell-and-perfmon-results-tsql2sday/